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Stackhouse Soapbox - Trump seen as more honest than Trudeau

Here’s part of the reason why Justin Trudeau is worse than Donald Trump — while Trump may be offensive, he doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not. Over the last week, Trudeau has a lot of disciples out there defending his phoney virtuous character.

Here’s part of the reason why Justin Trudeau is worse than Donald Trump — while Trump may be offensive, he doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not. Over the last week, Trudeau has a lot of disciples out there defending his phoney virtuous character. Trump, for example, while he may be lewd in his language, really doesn’t proclaim to be something he isn’t. I’m sure you can find political statements such as ‘Mexico will build the wall’ that have proven to be false over the course of time, but that’s no different than any other politician. Trump’s position is that he’s going to ‘Make America Great Again’ and you can argue whether he’s gone about doing that in the right way or not, but he’s been very consistent with his approach since day one.

Let’s look at Trudeau, who as recently, as this week announced great support for the troops. Yet, his federal government is in a court battle with veterans because they are, ‘asking for more than we can give right now’. You can bet there will be no limit on Trudeau’s campaign spending next year, and he’s had no qualms about handing out money all over the globe so to play the ‘we can’t afford it’ card with veterans rings of hypocrisy.

Trudeau’s Kokanee Grope is another example of how he says one thing and does another. He’s turfed MPs within his own party on allegations that were never proven, and one of them even used the same defense that Trudeau used on his in that the man felt a particular way about the interaction and didn’t know the woman felt a different way about it. Again, those who belong to the Trudeau cult will tell you that pinching someone on the bum is different than having intercourse and they would be right in saying so, but there is no difference when you compare Trudeau feeling like he didn’t do anything wrong and neither does Massimo Pacetti, who says the woman he had sex with never gave him any indication the encounter was only desired by the man.
On top of Trudeau saying one thing and doing another, you have a very long trail of examples that also would be overwhelming to someone when trying to prove that Trudeau doesn’t even know what he’s doing. Not that I’ll convince any of his supporters, but here are just a few. If I researched, I bet I could find a lot more.

My favorite one is when Trudeau said First Nations people want government to help the young people build storage facilities for their canoes and paddles. He doubled down on this by saying when First Nations leaders talked to him, they mentioned wanting a youth centre and Trudeau said that indicated the First Nations leaders are out of touch with their youth because he knows they want storage sheds.

My second favorite was the photo op with Joshua Boyle, the questionable character who took his 8 month pregnant wife backpacking through Afghanistan and then got them both kidnapped. They were held in captivity for years (but somehow were able to procreate), although there are a ton of unanswered questions about this and Boyle, himself, is facing numerous charges since they were rescued and returned to Canada. Boyle used to be tangled up with Omar Khadr’s sister, so he has been sympathetic to radical Islam in the past and who goes backpacking in Afghanistan at any point, let alone when you have a very pregnant wife?

Speaking of Khadr, Trudeau oversaw his $10.5-million payment, but he’s going to fight our veterans in court. His government also spent over $100,000 fighting a First Nations girl who needed a $6000 dental procedure.

I’m running out of space this week, but I’ll try and brush over a few more in brief form: 

He said the budget will balance itself. He further proved idiocy when he said deficits are a way of measuring growth and success. 

He says terrorists should keep Canadian citizenship. He even welcomes terrorists back to Canada and funds a program to rehabilitate them, while there are interpreters in Afghanistan (who worked with our military), who are in grave danger if they don’t make it to Canada, and aren’t getting any help whatsoever. 

He’s, publicly, admired China and their dictatorship and also offered condolences to Cuba when brutal dictator Fidel Castro passed away. 

There’s the ‘peoplekind’ blunder as well as saying the Boston Marathon bombings happened, simply, because someone felt excluded.

He’s mumbled through numerous press conferences incoherently, including one on steel where he was unable to convey what a trade surplus is. 

He’s called small business owners tax cheats. His actual quote was, “A large percentage of small businesses are just a way for wealthy Canadians to save on their taxes.” He’s delivered speeches where he has told his audience that we need to rethink elements as basic as ‘time and space’. What does that mean? 

He’s installed cabinet ministers based on skin color and sexual orientation because ‘it’s 2015’ and then he’s gone on to say there really is no such thing as gender. 

Last year during Canada Day, he forgot to mention Alberta when he rattled off all the provinces. Speaking of Alberta, he said we need to phase out the oil sands. He also told a group of new Canadians that he wished he was one of them because traditional Canadians don’t appreciate being Canadian.

There’s way more, but the paper would have to give me more space. I can’t even name nice people because I’m out of room.