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Tax dollar issue in Orkney RM

Dear Editor, R.M. of Orkney Divison 1 tax dollars hard at work…. but not in Division 1. Anyone driving the rural roads in Division 1 can readily see the poor condition of the roads in this area. This is not by accident, but rather by design.

Dear Editor,

R.M. of Orkney Divison 1 tax dollars hard at work…. but not in Division 1.

Anyone driving the rural roads in Division 1 can readily see the poor condition of the roads in this area. This is not by accident, but rather by design.

Our “old boys” club on Council ensured that very limited services are provided to Division 1 through the passing of a motion at the Feb. 10 2016 meeting, creating a Public Works Committee, designating Deputy Reeve Vern Effa, and Randy Trost, councillor as the “committee’ to supervise the public works staff, and that all public works, except in the case of emergency, be administered by this committee.

The Municipalities Act clearly dictates that an individual member of council, including the mayor or reeve, does not have the authority to among other things, “direct the activities of municipal employees.” Council chooses to disregard the law. The Municipalities Act  also deems a conflict of interest occurs when an elected official’s private interests or a closely connected person’s interests may, or may appear to be, affected by a council decision. Not only does Council ignore the law, one of our public works employees is the son of one of the Public Works Committee designates, which is a conflict of interest at the very least.

At the council meeting last week, I had questioned the progress on ditch grass cutting, as only a top cut has been completed in Division 1 and the grass is now about a foot and a half tall, with winter on the horizon. The committee’s response was that progress was slow due to it being a very wet year and that being it was late in the year, the chances of grass cutting being completed were minimal.

This weekend, I attended the Fall Supper at Willowbrook and on my way home, I drove the Protz Memorial Road as well as several other roads in Divisions 2, 3, and 5. It was a real eye opener. These roads are in excellent condition. They are graded and gravelled so well, that one can easily drive at speeds of 80 to 100kph. The ditches have been cut fence line to fence line having had three cuts this year. Is it a coincidence that the councillors in those divisions are up for re-election this year? I think not.

They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words, so please, don’t take my word regarding the above. Take a short drive up Jaroslaw Trail (just five miles west of the City of Yorkton on Hwy #52) or down Protz Memorial Road and then pick a road in any direction. It is an eye opener. Division 1 contributes approximately two-thirds of the tax revenue for the municipality. These dollars are hard at work, but not for the ones paying them. The benefactors are the ratepayers in Divisions 2, 3, and 5. This is not by accident but by design.

Be not deceived. Actions speak louder than words. Go and see for yourself. Take a drive out west and you will know the rest of the story.

Gordon Rhinas, Councillor Division 1
RM of Orkney