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Langenburg Council discusses Sea-can containers

On Tuesday, Feb. 16 at 7:30 P.

On Tuesday, Feb. 16  at 7:30 P.M, Mayor Jeremy Stasiuk called the regularly scheduled council meeting of the Town of Langenburg to order with all council members present; also attending were Dave Tucker, Town of Langenburg Foreman and Joanne Weinheimer, Town of Langenburg Administrative Assistant.

After reviewing the agenda, Councillor Sicinski made the motion to accept the agenda as reviewed; motion carried.

Moving on, the council reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting before Councillor Popp made a motion to accept the minutes as revised; motion carried.

Next, the council reviewed the town’s accounts. Councillor Hunt made a motion to accept the accounts as reviewed; motion carried.

The Langenburg Community Development Board (LCDB) Accounts were reviewed. Administrator Glenda Lemcke informed the council of what was going on with this account before Councillor Lundgren made a motion to accept as reviewed; motion carried.

Town Foreman Dave Tucker gave his report on what has been going on with the maintenance department over the last two weeks, including that he has done some OH&S training and taken a couple of graders which were test-driven, as well as discussing the water main breaks around town. Councillor Popp made a motion to bill the Credit Union for the work the town maintenance staff performed within the bank to unthaw a frozen water line in the crawl space; motion carried. Councillor Sicinski made a motion to accept the report; the motion carried.

CAO Glenda Lemcke informed the council there will be an audit on the 23rd of February and that there will be a budget meeting coming up right away. Lemcke mentioned that Langenburg Recreation Director Juli Mitschke is leading the Go Out and Play Challenge which could bring $10,000 to the town; Langenburg won the challenge back in 2017. Councillor Hunt moved that the Administration Report be carried and the motion was accepted.

Employee Relation was next to be discussed. The job descriptions for the town employees were reviewed as well as the contracts with the town maintenance staff.

Councillor Popp was next to give the Finance Committee Report, including possible councillor remuneration changes which will be advertised in the Four-Town Journal as required by legislation. Councillor Popp made a motion to accept the report as reviewed; motion carried.

Councillor Farmer informed the council of the fundraisers going on to help with the recreation facilities being built, as well as an update on the building of the new pool. It was suggested that a town maintenance staff attend the pool operations course. Councillor Sicinski made a motion to accept the recreation report; motion carried.

The council moved on to review the correspondence received by the town. A donation for STARS Air Ambulance was discussed before Councillor Popp made a motion to donate $300; motion carried. The council wants to show its support to the STARS Air Ambulance and hopes the community will also donate.

Next, the council discussed a letter of support received from the Suicide Hotline. Councillor Hunt made a motion to support the hotline which was carried.

The East Central Transportation Committee letter was next discussed. Councillor Popp made a motion to pay the $300 membership fee and have Councillor Brad Sicinski attend the meetings of the committee; motion carried.

Councillor Sicinski made a motion to file the correspondence which was carried.

It was discussed the rules of having sea-can containers on commercial property. Council will allow one sea-canister kept in good repair, including painted and placed on the ground to minimize and rodent issues. Councillor McDonell made a motion to allow the canisters as Councillor Sicinski made a motion to go in-camera; motion carried.